Use "solidago|solidagos" in a sentence

1. Key words: aggregation, galls, patchiness, pattern, scale, segregation, Solidago canadensis.

2. Agapanthus look great when planted with drifts of ornamental grasses, sun-loving rudbeckias and goldenrod (Solidago).

3. Adults can be found on the flowers of Solidago, Coreopsis, Bidens or yellow flowered species during the day.

4. Other associates include local serpentine endemics such as Minuartia marcescens, Salix chlorolepis and Solidago simplex subsp. simplex var. chlorolepis, as well as western disjuncts such as Adiantum aleuticum and Aspidotis densa.

5. Boneset is a member of the aster family, making it a relative of such well-known plants as goldenrod (Solidago spp.) and New England aster (Symphyotrichum novae-angliae).It sports masses of tiny, fluffy, white flowers that are grouped in flat-topped clusters (known as "corymbs").

6. A number of species likely to be designated threatened or vulnerable in Quebec (Tardif et al. 2005), such as Aleutian maidenhair (Adiantum aleuticum), Indian’s dream (Aspidotis densa), swamp thistle (Cirsium muticum var. monticolum), rough fescue (Festuca altaica) and dwarf Arctic groundsel (Solidago simplex subsp. simplex var. chlorolepis), also share the habitat of the greenscaled willow.